Lisa Narcisse Biography

Lisa Narcisse


Lisa was born and raised in St. Andrew Jamaican.  She graduated from Immaculate Conception High School.  Lisa migrated to Florida in 1979 to attend college.  She had a dream of becoming an artist but was dissuaded by family and friends.  Corporate and family life took over and her dream faded into the background until she met artist Adina Libman in 2006.  So after a 28 year break from art Lisa attempted oils for the very first time and lost track of time.  Lisa is married and is the proud mother of two children Sean and Danielle.  She dedicates her spare time and resources to the development of her island home and local causes such as the American Cancer Society – Relay for Life and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  Her works can be found on and

“My works represent memories of Jamaica.  I try to impart what I see when I close my eyes and think of home.  I feel art should touch all your senses.  In most of my paintings I purposely create texture to tempt the viewer to touch.  If only I could incorporate smell…

My pieces are created with the intent for you to lose yourself, if only for a moment; to be still and enjoy the pleasures God has created for you; to be aware of the beauty that surrounds you; the marvel of mountains, the calmness of water, the fragility of a leaf.  To take a moment, inhale and know that all is well.  My works are not meant for you to ponder a meaning…but rather for you to take respite!” - Lisa

Cherish the gifts we receive from God so that we will tend to them in a responsible manner, share them in practice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.